Topic: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

A company wants to deploy and maintain static websites on AWS. Each website's source code is hosted in one of several version control systems, including AWS CodeCommit, Bitbucket, and GitHub.
The company wants to implement phased releases by using development, staging, user acceptance testing, and production environments in the AWS Cloud. Deployments to each environment must be started by code merges on the relevant Git branch. The company wants to use HTTPS for all data exchange. The company needs a solution that does not require servers to run continuously.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

Host each website by using AWS Amplify with a serverless backend. Conned the repository branches that correspond to each of the desired environments. Start deployments by merging code changes to a desired branch.
Host each website in AWS Elastic Beanstalk with multiple environments. Use the EB CLI to link each repository branch. Integrate AWS CodePipeline to automate deployments from version control code merges.
Host each website in different Amazon S3 buckets for each environment. Configure AWS CodePipeline to pull source code from version control. Add an AWS CodeBuild stage to copy source code to Amazon S3.
Host each website on its own Amazon EC2 instance. Write a custom deployment script to bundle each website's static assets. Copy the assets to Amazon EC2. Set up a workflow to run the script when code is merged.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

The correct answer is A.
AWS Amplify is an all in one service for the requirement.
Option C is almost correct, but it does not mention how to implement HTTPS.
Option B and D are wrong. They need to keep running servers.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

The solution that will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead is option A: Host each website by using AWS Amplify with a serverless backend. AWS Amplify is a fully managed service that allows developers to build and deploy web applications and static websites. With Amplify, developers can easily connect their repositories, such as AWS CodeCommit, Bitbucket, and GitHub, to automatically build and deploy changes to the website based on code merges. Amplify also supports phased releases with multiple environments, including development, staging, user acceptance testing, and production, which can be linked to specific branches in the repository. Additionally, Amplify uses HTTPS for all data exchange by default and has a serverless backend, which means there are no servers to maintain. Overall, this solution provides the least operational overhead while meeting all the specified requirements.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

thanks a ton for all the explanations!

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

Amplify is the best option here to host website / static site as well with Hosting Environment option which can pull code from github, codecommit and bitbucket. Webapp Hosting can be for different envs like Prod, Dev etc. This gives serverless hosting option along with HTTPS. S3 static website hosting has no HTTPS and EB and EC2 are running instances.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

Check About AWS Amplify Hosting

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

Option A is the answer. Ofcourse, until now we have been used to the fact that we need to use S3 for static website hosting.

But there are a lot of requirements described in the question like the source code hosting, phased releases with different environments and HTTPS for all data exchange (which is not possible with S3 Hosting).

AWS Amplify does all of this for you with the least operational overhead.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

For fellow ACloudGurus, I was taught to associate static website hosting to S3 buckets. But apparently, "least operational overhead" is achieved using Amplify, as it natively supports deployment to various environments and seamlessly integrates with version control systems. Whereas, S3 requires configuring multiple buckets, configuring CodePipeline and integrating with each bucket.

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

Static Website should be C ..using S3

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

Sadly Static Web Hosting on S3 does not supports HTTPS . So Response is A ;-)

Re: AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 topic 1 question 24

that is critical key !! thanks a lot.