Topic: N10-008 topic 1 question 729

Which of the following are the most likely reasons voltage calculations are made before installing equipment? (Choose two.)

To ensure equipment is not damaged
To send reports for compliance regulations
To speed up the installation process
To ensure compatibility
To meet legal requirements
To ensure the grounding is being maintained

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 729

Voltage calculations have nothing to do with grounding

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 729

To ensure equipment is not damaged
To ensure compatibility

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 729

The most likely reasons voltage calculations are made before installing equipment include:

A. To ensure equipment is not damaged: Calculating voltage helps ensure that the electrical equipment is provided with the correct voltage levels to operate within its specified range. Incorrect voltage can lead to equipment damage and malfunctions.

F. To ensure the grounding is being maintained: Voltage calculations also play a role in determining proper grounding practices. Grounding is essential for electrical safety and to prevent electrical shocks. Calculating and maintaining proper grounding is crucial for the safety of both equipment and personnel.

Options B, C, D, and E are less likely reasons for voltage calculations before equipment installation. Compliance reports, installation speed, compatibility, and legal requirements may involve other considerations but may not directly relate to voltage calculations.