Topic: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

Which of the following technologies provides a failover mechanism for the default gateway?


Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

redundancy protocols (FHRPs) work by giving you a way to configure more than
one physical router to appear as if they were only a single logical one.

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

first hop redundancy protocol (FHRP) is a computer networking protocol which is designed to protect the default gateway used on a subnetwork by allowing two or more routers to provide backup for that address

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

why no ospf sad

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

redundancy protocol (FHRP)
Provisioning failover routers to serve
as the default gateway for a subnet.
Also referred to as Virtual Router

Re: N10-008 topic 1 question 53

FHRP is used to prevent network failure at a default gateway. This is achieved by configuring multiple routers with the same IP address and Mac address, thus presenting an illusion of a single virtual router to the hosts in a Local Area Network (LAN).